The Aurora 88 Red Mamba Fountain Pen is a limited edition pen produced by the Italian pen manufacturer, Aurora. The Aurora 88 is a renowned model in their line of...
The Aurora 88 Ortigia Limited Edition fountain pen is inspired by the sixth city of the Secret Journey to Italy, Ortigia. Ortigia is famous for being the historic part of...
The Aurora 88 Mantova CT Fountain Pen is part of the Aurora 88 collection this is a limited edition collection. The fifth city on the Secret Journey to Italy is...
The Aurora 88 Plutone fountain pen (Limited Edition) is named after the planet Pluto and is the ninth release in Aurora’s Stellar Collection, following the Sole, Nebulosa, Marte, Urano, Saturno,...
The Aurora 88 is a great writing classic, designed by the famous designer Marcello Nizzoli, this legendary cult pen from the 50’s is back. It is the symbol of a...
The Aurora 88 is a great writing classic, designed by the famous designer Marcello Nizzoli, this legendary cult pen from the 50’s is back. It is the symbol of a...