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          NIB MATERIAL

            Made in Japan, ENDLESS recorder notebooks are made using the pulp from trees in sustainable forests. Pocket notebooks filled with Ink-Loving paper. The dreams you sow, the reality you reap.

            Endless Recorder Mountain Snow Notebook (A5 - Dotted) ESRMSD

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Crimson Sky Notebook (A5 - Dotted) ESRCSD

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Crimson Sky Notebook (A5 - Ruled) ESRCSR

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Forest Canopy Notebook (A5 - Ruled) ESRFCR

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Forest Canopy Notebook (A5 - Dotted) ESRFCD

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Deep Ocean Notebook (A5 - Dotted) ESRDOD

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Deep Ocean Notebook (A5 - Blank) ESRDOB

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Infinite Space Notebook (A5 - Squared) ESRISS

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Infinite Space Notebook (A5 - Dotted) ESRISD

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Deep Ocean Notebook (A5 - Squared) ESRDOS

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Infinite Space Notebook (A5 - Blank) ESRISB

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Mountain Snow Notebook (A5 - Ruled) ESRMSR

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Mountain Snow Notebook (A5 - Blank) ESRMSB

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Deep Ocean Notebook (A5 - Ruled) ESRDOR

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Infinite Space Notebook (A5 - Ruled) ESRISR

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Forest Canopy Notebook (A5 - Blank) ESRFCB

            ₹ 1,099.00

            Endless Recorder Crimson Sky Notebook (A5 - Blank) ESRCSB

            ₹ 1,099.00
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